
“Anger is a powerful emotion with intensity that ranges from frustration to severe rage. It can last from a few seconds to a lifetime. The feeling of anger isn’t a sin; however, what we do in our anger determines whether or not we sin.”

How We Handle Anger

There are multiple ways that humans handle anger. In counseling the three major ways acknowledged of handling our anger are…

Repression- This is the act of denying the presence of anger. When we repress our anger we deny that we are even angry. This repression has been known to lead to multiple health problems such as headaches, anxiety, depression, hostility, and digestive issues.

Suppression- This way of dealing with anger acknowledges that we are angry with someone or something but the stuffs it away. This suppression then leads to coping with the anger in both healthy (exercise, meditating, relaxing) and unhealthy ways (drinking, drugs, self violence, etc…).

Expression- This way of of handling anger is an outward ventilating of the emotions you are feeling. Expressing your anger is inherently wrong and can be done both healthily (gentle, patient, and focused on unity) or unhealthily (aggressive, violent, impatient, and focused on “winning”).


Proverbs 16:32

Patience is better than power, and controlling one’s emotions, than capturing a city.

Ephesians 4:26-27

Be angry and do not sin., Don’t let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and don’t give the devil an opportunity.

Proverbs 22:24-25

Don’t make friends with an angry person, and don’t be a companion of a hot-tempered one, or you will learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare.

Proverbs 29:22

An angry person stirs up conflict.


Lord, we all get angry. Anger is a powerful emotion that You have given us, and Your Word teaches us clearly about the constructive and destructive force that anger is. Help me to follow Your Word, Lord, by teaching me to control my anger when I have been threatened and wronged. Help me control my anger, bring it to you, and not allow my anger to hurt others or myself …

In Jesus’ Name, Amen


1. What is making me angry or bothered?

2. How do I typically deal with my anger?

3. What are triggers that cause me to feel more angry?

4. What (healthy) things help to calm me down when I feel angry?

5. What unhealthy things do I get tempted by when I am angry?

6. Have I expressed my anger in a healthy way to the person I am angry with?

7. How would life be different if I could eliminate this anger?

8. Do I need someone older and wiser to help me with my anger and hurt?